Sunday, January 8, 2012

    2012 New Year’s Resolutions

    It is that time of year again, when I make promises to myself to be better, smarter and more competitive.  Below, I have my three resolutions, which I tried to keep as S.M.A.R.T. (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Timely) as possible.

    Develop my own copy writing process
    Ever since I started blogging regularly, I have thought of writing as one of my strengths.  I had previously believed that my writing skill meant that I could write good copy.  That is until I picked up a copy of Copy Hackers and realized that I knew nothing about writing copy.  Time and time again, I find myself in positions where I need to write “call to action” literature.  The need for my own solid copy writing process that allows me to quickly and efficiently crank out copy is becoming apparent.  Over the next year, I resolve to develop my own copy writing process.

    Join a professional group
    In Shanghai, I had made great connections while attending Toastmasters.  Coming back to the states, I missed that bonding that occurs in an organization.  In addition, while at school, I am finding it hard to regularly meet and talk with professionals.  This is why over the year, I resolve to join a professional group and stay active in it for the remainder of my stay in San Diego.  Currently, I have my eye on either Toastmasters or the National Association of Asian American Professionals (NAAAP).    

    Finish up Codecademy
    While working at, I became aware of how limiting it was that I knew nothing about code.  As the site is still a work in progress, a lot of the functionalities do not have a front end meaning that whenever I needed something done that required going into the database, I had to hassle the founders.  Most of the time it is something small like changing the price or calling up a list of emails, things that I would think are easy to do.

    It was under these circumstances that I started the Codecademy lessons.   I reckon if I learn enough code to be able to read it, but not necessarily write it, I could be a lot less intrusive around the office.  I have been playing with Codecademy on and off for the last couple of months, without making too serious of an effort.  However, that is all going to change for the new year as I resolve to get through at least one course a month.  

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